After what is almost a year-long journey of testing and feedback from the #edgeinsider community, Microsoft’s new Chromium Edge browser has taken off its’ beta badge and you can now download and use the final release version which is available from today!
How do I get it?
- Browse to Microsoft’s Website from your current browser
- Click the blue Download for Windows 10 button and download the new Edge web browser as a .exe file
- Run the installer and let it install the new Chromium powered Edge… It will take few minutes to install.
- Once done, set up the browser to your liking and take it for a test spin..
- Remove your old Google Chrome!! Once your concinved of course!
If you’ve been using the old version of Edge, you will hopefully notice that it has been removed from your Windows 10 PC. New Edge replaces and “hides” the old Edge but you can still get to it should you wish too… You won’t want to!
What is new with Chromium Edge?
There is so much new in this version of Edge and its a total rewrite built based on the open platform that is Chromium of which Microsoft and Google are of course major contributors…. (feel like I should queue the “everything is awesome” music from Lego Movie!
What is immediately noticeable (in my view) is the speed and performance increase over old Edge and infact Google Chrome.. Support for a huge number of extensions also sets this apart…
Since Edge is jot standalone, it’s updated regularly… At least every 6 weeks. There are also beta, dev and canary builds you can try which update more frequently if you want to try and feedback on new things as part of the #edgeinsider community. I’ve been running the canary build for about a year since it was first announced..
In a way, I do wish they had changed the name as I don’t think Edge has a good rep as a name and people will immediately think its rubbish…
Fact… It isn’t.. It is really great IMO anyway!
Love to hear your feedback as would #edgeinsider if you are twitter.